eh ko kayanya gue sial banget sih -___- anjeer hidup gue udah mulai suram hari demi hari bahhh !! gawat
okeh,jadi hari apa tau gue lupa gue pulang sekolah tuh naik angkot karena emang gue ga biasa di jemput kalo pulang sekolah ,palingan cuma di anter pas berangkat sekolah.
gue pertama nya naik omprengan dari sekolah gue ampe ke lapan dan naik angkot lagi ke polsek dan akhirnya gue mnyetopin angkot 06 ,nah pas gue naik penumpang nya cuma ada 2 gue dan cwe yang duduk di samping supir nya ,dan si cwe itu turun di ciracas ga jauh dari polsek tempat gue turun .
eh pas sampe di polsek gue bilang gni "kiri bang" dengan suara ayu mendayu dayu kaya orang nya wkwkkwkw EH TERNYATA ABANG NYA GA DENGER,dan gue ulang lagi dong otomatis "KIRI BANGGGG !!" dengan suara naik 2 lever dari lever suara gue semula EH TERNYATA ABANG NYA GA DENGER LAGI ! OMG !! GUE BAKAL DI BAWA KABUR ? O,O*mampius.
bah bah bah sifat kepanikan gue muncul mamen ,gimana ga muncul orang itu abang nya ngendarain ngebut dan gue nyetopin ga denger denger abang nya "BANG KIRI BANG KIRI BANG BERHENTI BANG KIRI BANG KIRI KIRI KIRIIIIIIIIII BANG" dengan muka melas nangis kaya anak bocah ketibat konteneer(?) wkwkwkw dan akhir nya abang nya denger dan berhenti -__________- berhenti nya di gongseng jauh ga si ituh dari polsek ?jauh banget kan
si abang nya ngomong gni "neng kenapa nangis ?'' masang buka super tolol dan tablo ! INGET TUH BANG TE OLE OLE DAN TABLO *EMOSI MAMEN
"saya mau turun bang,daritadi abang ga denger .saya turun nya di polsek " sambil nangis gitu-,-
"oh maap neng abang gatau ,abang lagi ga pake alat ginian*sambil nunjukin alat au nama nya apaan* "
"yaudah dah bang,saya mau turun "
"maaf yah neng ,abang ga denger "
"O !"
gue akhir nya turun dan dan nelfon supir buat jemput ! SUMPAH DEMI APAPUN GUE TRAUMA GA MAU NAIK ANGKOT 06 LAGI !!!!!
berantem di pinggir jalan
ehem ehem kejadian nya baru kemarin gue liat ,jadi tuh gini gue kemarin rencana mau pergi ke margo bersama my parents hahahha udin sama lili*eh .terus gue liat dari kaca mobil ada cowo sama cwe lagi pacaran ,kesimpulan yang gue ambil pertama kali pas ngeliat itu orang adalah envy secara gue jomblo mamen jadi ga pernah gitu deh di jemput anter sama cwo -_______- kasian ga tuh gue ? kasian kan ?
eh eh eh ternyata si muka nya cwe nya tiba tiba badmood gitu O,O apakah yang terjadi saudara saudara ? ternyata si cwe itu nampar cwo nya*OUWWWWWWWWWWWWW perih pasti itu-,- tiba tiba bokap gue bilang gini "beeeeeh berani banget yak cwe nya nampar nampar cwo kaya gitu.kalo ayah jadi cowo nya ayah nampar balik ,iya ga de ?'' setdah suram amat bokap gua dan dan nyokap gue bilang " apaan si ayah ko malah di tampar balik ? kalo si cowo nya yang salah yah pantes lah" bebebebbebe nyokap bokap gue udah mulai saut sautan kaya serigala di kutub dan gue diem ajah sambil sms san sama *sensor* eeaeaeeaa hahaha
dan gue angkat bicara "au ayah ,ayah mah suram pake nampar balik lagi kasian tau .itu nama nya cwo gatau diri berani nya nampar cwe.ih jangan jangan ayah gitu yah *eh keceplosan!" kata gue
" iyasih ,tapi kan take it easy ajah kaleeee!!" sahut bokap gue
"baaaah main tampar tamparan di bilang take it easy ,di kira mereka lagi everything is gonna be oke kale yah"
"kalian tuh ngomong opo toh ? ibu ngga ngerti itu take it easy apa ?" GUBRAK mulai deh dusun nya nyokap gue nampak-__----
BRAKKK !!<---- ceritanya bunyi motor jatoh wkwkkw "eh apaan tuh?" dan ternyaata motor si cowo yang lagi berantem jatoh saudara saudara terus tas yang lagi d i gemblok dya langsung dibanting langsung ngepelin tangan dan muka merah kaya pantat babi (?) wkkwkw ,eh si cowo sama si cwe itu main bacot bacotan wkwkwk ucul masa main bacot bacotan nya dan gitu lah ceritanya gue cape ngetik
eh eh eh ternyata si muka nya cwe nya tiba tiba badmood gitu O,O apakah yang terjadi saudara saudara ? ternyata si cwe itu nampar cwo nya*OUWWWWWWWWWWWWW perih pasti itu-,- tiba tiba bokap gue bilang gini "beeeeeh berani banget yak cwe nya nampar nampar cwo kaya gitu.kalo ayah jadi cowo nya ayah nampar balik ,iya ga de ?'' setdah suram amat bokap gua dan dan nyokap gue bilang " apaan si ayah ko malah di tampar balik ? kalo si cowo nya yang salah yah pantes lah" bebebebbebe nyokap bokap gue udah mulai saut sautan kaya serigala di kutub dan gue diem ajah sambil sms san sama *sensor* eeaeaeeaa hahaha
dan gue angkat bicara "au ayah ,ayah mah suram pake nampar balik lagi kasian tau .itu nama nya cwo gatau diri berani nya nampar cwe.ih jangan jangan ayah gitu yah *eh keceplosan!" kata gue
" iyasih ,tapi kan take it easy ajah kaleeee!!" sahut bokap gue
"baaaah main tampar tamparan di bilang take it easy ,di kira mereka lagi everything is gonna be oke kale yah"
"kalian tuh ngomong opo toh ? ibu ngga ngerti itu take it easy apa ?" GUBRAK mulai deh dusun nya nyokap gue nampak-__----
BRAKKK !!<---- ceritanya bunyi motor jatoh wkwkkw "eh apaan tuh?" dan ternyaata motor si cowo yang lagi berantem jatoh saudara saudara terus tas yang lagi d i gemblok dya langsung dibanting langsung ngepelin tangan dan muka merah kaya pantat babi (?) wkkwkw ,eh si cowo sama si cwe itu main bacot bacotan wkwkwk ucul masa main bacot bacotan nya dan gitu lah ceritanya gue cape ngetik
Iron man
gue salah satu orang yang suka bange sama kartun termasuk IRON MAN hmm sebener nya ini kartun udah lama tapi gue cuma mau mengingat ajah kalo gue suka tkoh kartun ini ,IRON MAN itu di publis berdasarkan kartun yang dinamakan MARVEL bebebebbebebe TE OPE BEGETE !!
Agnes Monica Tampilkan Tarian Adat Papua!
Agnes Monica Foto: Ruswanto - Penyanyi multi talenta Agnes Monica adalah salah satu nama yang tampil dalam perayaan ulang tahun Trans TV yang ke-10. Gadis pekerja keras ini mengatakan bahwa Trans TV memiliki kesan khusus di matanya."Yang pasti aku selalu punya kesan khusus di mata aku. Karena sebagai orang yang perfect dan banyak maunya, aku cocok banget sama Trans, mereka bukan iya-iya aja. Tapi mereka mencoba mengakomodir, apa yang management aku tawarkan. Kayak tadi aku minta gendang gede, tapi akhirnya dibikin sama mereka gendang muter. Aku merasa sangat dihargai," ucap Agnes Monica ditemui di Dekade Trans TV Untuk Indonesia, di JCC Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (15/12).
Dalam penampilannya kali ini, Agnes Monica mengerjakan konsep dengan sang kakak. Konsep 'wah' yang dihadirkan, dipadu dengan nuansa etnis serta tarian Papua.
"Ngegabungin konsep aku sama kakak aku, tadi ada gimik-gimik. Kita latihan itu dari kemarin, sampe jam 4 pagi. Meski kita latihan terus-terusan, tapi hasilnya lebih keliatan. Tadi Rambe Yamko rame, jadi aku mau tampilin ada etnisnya. Malah aku pake tarian Papua juga," tuturnya.
Agnes Monica yang baru-baru ini menjadi brand ambassador dari shampoo Clear ini tak pernah melupakan budaya bangsa. Salah satunya dari segi pakaian di mana ia memadukan baju internasional dengan kebaya.
"(Konsep) grande aja. Tadi nyanyi Paralyzed, Karena Ku Sanggup," ucapnya. Kostum? "Dari clothing line aku. Ngegabungin internationalnya, tapi ada Indonesianya. Jadi atasan kemben kebaya, terus bawah celana pendek," tandasnya. (kpl/ato/sjw)
Dalam penampilannya kali ini, Agnes Monica mengerjakan konsep dengan sang kakak. Konsep 'wah' yang dihadirkan, dipadu dengan nuansa etnis serta tarian Papua.
"Ngegabungin konsep aku sama kakak aku, tadi ada gimik-gimik. Kita latihan itu dari kemarin, sampe jam 4 pagi. Meski kita latihan terus-terusan, tapi hasilnya lebih keliatan. Tadi Rambe Yamko rame, jadi aku mau tampilin ada etnisnya. Malah aku pake tarian Papua juga," tuturnya.
Agnes Monica yang baru-baru ini menjadi brand ambassador dari shampoo Clear ini tak pernah melupakan budaya bangsa. Salah satunya dari segi pakaian di mana ia memadukan baju internasional dengan kebaya.
"(Konsep) grande aja. Tadi nyanyi Paralyzed, Karena Ku Sanggup," ucapnya. Kostum? "Dari clothing line aku. Ngegabungin internationalnya, tapi ada Indonesianya. Jadi atasan kemben kebaya, terus bawah celana pendek," tandasnya. (kpl/ato/sjw)
peliharaan gue
yeeeeeeeeeee gue punya banyak hewan peliaharaan dong !! LO PUNYA NGGAK ? NGGA KAN ? BODO !
ehem ehem ... gue punya banyak hewan peliharaan dulu dulu dulu banget dulu banget gue punya
ehem ehem ... gue punya banyak hewan peliharaan dulu dulu dulu banget dulu banget gue punya
- kucing nama nya BAHARI wkwkwk nama alam banget ye yo'i nama nya bahari dan kata kaka gue sih si bahari ini mennggal gara gara mau pulang terus menyusuri perjalanan yang dikelilingi mobil mobil besar*katasibaharigitu terus dya speechles dan akhir nya ketabrak mobil gitu deh -______- okeh intinya ketabrak.
- kelinci nama nya BANCO wkwkkwk nama ga jelas banget coba-,,,- sip si banco ini kelinci dengan warna putih dengan bola mata berwarna biru .dan ini juga meninggal -_- mati nya mati konyol mamen yaitu cuma gara gara dya salah minum air yang akhir nya dya mingum air seni nya sendiri wkkwkkw
- anjing nama nya BULGOGI wkwkkw kaya nama sayuran .gue ga terlallu tau tentang si bulgogi ini kata nya sih si bulgogi ini ilang karena di ambil orang ! WOII MALING WOI MALING MALING MALING DASAR MALING
- ikan ,ikan gue banyak mamen ada ikan cere (?) bukan ikan arwana ikan lohan bebebebebe jidad nya saingan sama gue masa o,o*lupakan sama ikan sapu sapu yang nangkep di makasar wkwkkw
- dan yang terkahir ini baru MAU MAU MAU belom punya berarti hehehhe --v gue pengen punya peliharaan hamster u,u unyu kan yah ? unyu banget
Justin Bieber Kuasai Google Sepanjang Tahun!
Justin Bieber @ - Kalau Kim Kardashian diberitakan sebagai artis yang paling banyak dicari di Inggris, ternyata berbeda halnya dengan penilaian masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Google justru mengumumkan bahwa Justin Bieber-lah nama yang paling banyak dicari oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia.Seperti dilaporkan oleh Aceshowbiz, daftar Zeitgeist yang dilaporkan oleh Google telah menetapkan nama Justin sebagai the most searched individual sepanjang tahun 2011, dan mengalahkan Kim yang berhasil menjadi artis paling populer di Inggris.
Kim sendiri harus puas dengan posisi dua. Sedangkan ibu para monster, Lady GaGa ternyata hanya sampai pada posisi ketiga. Menyusul ketiga bintang tersebut, tampil nama Nicki Minaj, Casey Anthony, Selena Gomez dan sejumlah artis lain.
Selain kategori artis paling dicari, Google juga mengumumkan nama the fastest rising person (orang yang paling cepat naik daun). Ternyata gelar tersebut jatuh ke tangan Rebecca Black. Baik Justin dan Rebecca, sama-sama berhasil meraih predikat tersebut lewat YouTube. Berikut urutannya:
Most Searched People:
1. Justin Bieber
2. Kim Kardashian
3. Lady GaGa
4. Nicki Minaj
5. Casey Anthony
6. Selena Gomez
7. Charlie Sheen
8. Steve Jobs
9. Amy Winehouse
10.Ryan Dunn
Fastest Rising People:
1. Rebecca Black
2. Scotty McCreery
3. Courtney Stodden
4. Kate Upton
5. Kreayshawn
6. Tyler, The Creator
7. Ryan Dunn
8. Pippa Middleton
9. Hope Solo
19. Troy Davis (ace/ris)
Kim sendiri harus puas dengan posisi dua. Sedangkan ibu para monster, Lady GaGa ternyata hanya sampai pada posisi ketiga. Menyusul ketiga bintang tersebut, tampil nama Nicki Minaj, Casey Anthony, Selena Gomez dan sejumlah artis lain.
Selain kategori artis paling dicari, Google juga mengumumkan nama the fastest rising person (orang yang paling cepat naik daun). Ternyata gelar tersebut jatuh ke tangan Rebecca Black. Baik Justin dan Rebecca, sama-sama berhasil meraih predikat tersebut lewat YouTube. Berikut urutannya:
Most Searched People:
1. Justin Bieber
2. Kim Kardashian
3. Lady GaGa
4. Nicki Minaj
5. Casey Anthony
6. Selena Gomez
7. Charlie Sheen
8. Steve Jobs
9. Amy Winehouse
10.Ryan Dunn
Fastest Rising People:
1. Rebecca Black
2. Scotty McCreery
3. Courtney Stodden
4. Kate Upton
5. Kreayshawn
6. Tyler, The Creator
7. Ryan Dunn
8. Pippa Middleton
9. Hope Solo
19. Troy Davis (ace/ris)
eaeaeeaea yang seneng borong yang seneng borong !! gue bangget tuh ,okeh ini salah satu website dimana gue dan kaka gue mesen baju secara online yaitu di *tengterengtengteng -----> beeeeh selain kita bisa mesen baju buat lo lo lo yang punya kreavitas tinggi kaya gue *tibatibatomatnemplokdimukague lanjut-_- okeh buat yang punya krevitas tinggi bisa ko nge desain baju terus kirim ke dijamin ntar pasti di publis deh hahahha tapi yang keren biasa anak muda jaman sekarang getoh mana ada seh yang gamau gahol dengan tampil bersama kaos kaos keren ASSIKKKK !! hahaha okeh ini salah satu baju baju nya gue post yah
kalo mau liat lebih jelas lagi langsung sajah kunjungin website nya !
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speechles !! cuma kata itu yang gue bisa gue ucapin buat tika and the genk.sumpah mereka tadi nge dance I AM THE BEST nya 2ne1 keren geuuuuuuuuuulaaaa !! hmm buat video nya minggu dupan gue posting soal nya belom sempet gue masukin ke laptop -____- dan gue harap lo kalo liat video nya jangan nahan kentut*eh jangan nahan iler biarin ajah biarikanlah saja semua itu menjadi jadi*apaansilo? wkwkwkkw lajut,soal nya sumpah sumpah sumpah keren hahahhaha.
Lady Gaga Judas !!
eh woiii kaka gue lagi berjoget joget ria hahahahhaha !! JUDAS !! angkat JEMPOL KIRI angkat JEMPOL KANAN angkat JEMPOL KAKI KIRI angkat JEMPOL KAKI KANAN digoyang*hiraukan-____-
hmmm sori yah di blog gue banyak banget video :D habis nya di laptop gue udah penuh dengan yang nama nya video so !! jadi gue nge post di blog gue deh -________- hmm lagian lo pada enak juga kan gausah cari di ytube tinggal liat di blog gue !! eh tapi lo harus follow blog gue dulu ----->
hahahha :D sip lah post ini gue buat juga buat promosi gitu deeeeeh !!
sekian makasih !!
hahahha :D sip lah post ini gue buat juga buat promosi gitu deeeeeh !!
sekian makasih !!
ngerjain tabus yang ga pernah jelas -_-
kayanya jadi anak sekolah ada ajah tugas yang nyusahin,kalo di pikir pikir murid nya pada salah apaan seh dikasih tugas mulu -________- udah gitu tugas nya ada yang ga jelas termasuk TABUS !!!! ET ET ETET selain nyusahin bikin miskin ,hmmmmm sebener nya sih gue juga ngerjain dirumah jadi dipikir pikir ga keluar duit ,tapi kan..... nyalain laptop tuh butuh listrik dan bayar listrik itu kata emak gue mahal so keluar duit juga kan ? sama ajah sih sebener nya ,ah bodo ah kenapa gue jadi ngomongin istrik ? noh ntar dimarahin om PELEN wkwkwkkw.*flashback ..okeh ! back to pembicaraan yang tadi soal tugas ,sumpah gue orang nya paling males kalo disuruh ngasih tugas yang berhubungan dengan cari mencari sesuatu di internet ! tau gak lo kenapa ? iyah pasti gue ntar pas buka intrernet bukan ngerjai tugas malah main yang lain kaya yang gue lakuin sekarang ! gue kan sebenernya lagi ngerjain tabus dan gue badmood akhirnya gue curcol ke blog ! kenapa lo ga suka? suuka suka gue doong siapa lo ? ELO GUE END !!!
WOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII gue mau curcol nih ,lo sih bikin gue emosi *lupakan .iyah jadi gitu
sekian dan terima kasih :p
WOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII gue mau curcol nih ,lo sih bikin gue emosi *lupakan .iyah jadi gitu
sekian dan terima kasih :p
my favorite web
ini adalah salah satu website kesukaan gue :O dan gue mau share ke kalian ,ini nih website kesukaan gue :
*iklan* my favorite web ini semua tentang idola gue ... *eits pengecualin buat ini<---- dya bukan idola gue hahaha
masih banyak lagi-________- ini gue tulis manual loh ngga pake copas .
*iklan* my favorite web ini semua tentang idola gue ... *eits pengecualin buat ini<---- dya bukan idola gue hahaha
masih banyak lagi-________- ini gue tulis manual loh ngga pake copas .
selesai TRY OUT
bahhh-________- lanjutan post gue yang kemarin neh !! masa TRY OUT gue gampang bernada susah (?)*apamaksudnyabuguru? jadi .... soal nya gampang tapi karena gue kemarin malem ga terlalu belajar jadi susah *oooooooooooooo#suaraanakmurid.iyah jadi begitu .
DAN LO TAU ? MASA PENGAWAS GUE ADALAH SEORANG IBU DAN ANAK YANG *sensor* huahahahha dan itu membuat gue ga enak untuk melancaran aksi obral mengobral serta tawar menawar jawaban .sebenernya sih gue cukup banyak mikir sendiri tapi soal mtk nya itu loh yang susah -_- karena emang gue ga ngerti mtk dan ditambah ya itu gue ga belajar,sedangkan tempat dimana gue duduk itu ngga strategis dimana gue dihimpit oleh anak cwo semua dan salah satu orang yang gue andelin nan jauh di mato :o dan akhir nya itu lah yang melatarbelakangi gue buat mikir sendiri /m/ *giveaplause okeh sekian dan terimakasih
I NEVER GIVE UP wkwkkw*apahubungannya
DAN LO TAU ? MASA PENGAWAS GUE ADALAH SEORANG IBU DAN ANAK YANG *sensor* huahahahha dan itu membuat gue ga enak untuk melancaran aksi obral mengobral serta tawar menawar jawaban .sebenernya sih gue cukup banyak mikir sendiri tapi soal mtk nya itu loh yang susah -_- karena emang gue ga ngerti mtk dan ditambah ya itu gue ga belajar,sedangkan tempat dimana gue duduk itu ngga strategis dimana gue dihimpit oleh anak cwo semua dan salah satu orang yang gue andelin nan jauh di mato :o dan akhir nya itu lah yang melatarbelakangi gue buat mikir sendiri /m/ *giveaplause okeh sekian dan terimakasih
I NEVER GIVE UP wkwkkw*apahubungannya
hahaha gue udah kelas 9 dong :p jadi ntar gue akan merasakan yang nama nya *tengtereng-_- okeh gue bukan power rangers gue tuh yah orang imut >,< HEEEEEYYYY !! sebener nya gue ngebahas apa ? ko jadi ke diri gue sendiri ? lah lah orang gue pengen ngomongin try out yeeee LANJUT !! *gue lupa o,o ampe mana ?
*tiba tiba ada orang teriak dari bawah perut bumi menriakan seperti ini
"udah sampe ngomongin TRY OUT WOIIIIII HAYO LANJUT LAGI" dan tiba tiba gue tersadar secara cepat nya dan memulai bercerita lagi (?)
hey udah dong..gue mau lanjutin cerita nih lo pada ko gabisa ngehargain ?
initnya besok sabtu tanggal 3 gue mau TRY OUT PERTAMA MAMEEEEEEN /m/ good luck for ME
*tiba tiba ada orang teriak dari bawah perut bumi menriakan seperti ini
"udah sampe ngomongin TRY OUT WOIIIIII HAYO LANJUT LAGI" dan tiba tiba gue tersadar secara cepat nya dan memulai bercerita lagi (?)
hey udah dong..gue mau lanjutin cerita nih lo pada ko gabisa ngehargain ?
initnya besok sabtu tanggal 3 gue mau TRY OUT PERTAMA MAMEEEEEEN /m/ good luck for ME
Lagu Shuffle Dance Indonesia
eaeea donghae (ɔ ˘⌣˘)~♡
kemenangan SUJU di MAMA 2011
I love our national media,,they used a photo of SJ,wrote 3 paragraph abt their win,and one sentence abt SNSD's win (which half of the sentence said,'Suju's label mate') LMFAO Suju owns our arses
iPhone 5
Although Apple does not reveal the exact specifications and features until the device is officially unveiled, we could dictate some of the main features that are expected. However, rumor of the new iPhone 5 features, in terms of both hardware and software upgrades, will definitely entice any smartphone buyer.
The upcoming phone is expected to sport the Apple’s latest and greatest A5 processor chip, iCloud service, higher-resolution camera, and a 4-inch screen size. Here are some of the most anticipated iPhone 5 features:
iMessage is an application that is developed to compete with Blackberry Messenger. The app will allow iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad users to communicate (much like a chat service) with each other. The iMessage feature has been integrated into the SMS/MMS application used originally on the iPhone models.

Apple’s iPhone 5 is expected to feature the new iCloud service for wireless remote access of music from all computers and mobile devices.
The iPhone5 will automatically sync with the iCloud which will allow users to store photos, apps, calendars and documents without having them to store in the phone’s memory. Apple is also looking to tie up with top music label companies to license songs for the iCloud service.
However, rumours state that Apple might release a low-cost “iCloud iPhone” alongside the iPhone 5. It could be named the “iPhone Mini”
A5 Processor to power the iPhone5
iPhone 5 will house the A5 as the main processor, which technically is the same chip that currently powers the iPad 2. The A5 contains a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 CPU with NEON SIMD accelerator and a dual core PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU, which means that the iPhone5 can do twice the work at once. The processor speed will be somewhere between 1.2 to 1.5 GHz, with probably a 1GB RAM.
The processor upgrade is done not just to increase the processing speed of the phone, but also to compete with the newly launched Samsung Galaxy S II.
The A5 chip might effectively increase the power use, however, it is said that the chip has “got a dynamic power management”, which can lower the [speed] depending on the workload, and thus efficiently make use of the power.
According to sources, Apple has filed several patent applications relating to 3D picture capturing to the US Patent and Trademark Office later in March. This indicates that the iPhone 5 might feature a 3D camera. The filing indicates that the device will be capable of capturing, processing and rendering 3D images with dual-camera hardware.
Another interesting feature is that the iPhone 5 will be capable of taking pictures in Panorama. It will work similarly to the ’360 Panorama’ application in the App Store. It will let you take pictures in a sequence as you move the camera from one side to another, which in the end will effortlessly stitch the images together to create a panorama.
Additionally, if Apple really wants to keep up with the competition to Android, then it might consider improving upon the video resolution to a full 1080p HD recording. Currently iPhone 4 has a 720p video capture at 30 frames per second.

Image credits: However, the iPhone 5 could be slightly wider and thinner. The dimensions are calculated to be: 4.33″ x 2.36″ and .27″ thickness at the top and .21″ at the bottom, whereas the dimensions of iPhone 4 are: 4.5″ x 2.31″ x .37″
The upcoming phone is expected to sport the Apple’s latest and greatest A5 processor chip, iCloud service, higher-resolution camera, and a 4-inch screen size. Here are some of the most anticipated iPhone 5 features:
iOS 5
Apple announced iOS 5.0 and its features during the WWDC 2011 keynote address on June 6, 2011. The user interface is based on the concept of direct manipulation, using multi-touch gestures. It is expected to come with more than 200 new features that will include improved Notification System, News Stand and iMessage.iMessage is an application that is developed to compete with Blackberry Messenger. The app will allow iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad users to communicate (much like a chat service) with each other. The iMessage feature has been integrated into the SMS/MMS application used originally on the iPhone models.
The iPhone5 is expected to have the iCloud service.Apple’s iPhone 5 is expected to feature the new iCloud service for wireless remote access of music from all computers and mobile devices.
The iPhone5 will automatically sync with the iCloud which will allow users to store photos, apps, calendars and documents without having them to store in the phone’s memory. Apple is also looking to tie up with top music label companies to license songs for the iCloud service.
However, rumours state that Apple might release a low-cost “iCloud iPhone” alongside the iPhone 5. It could be named the “iPhone Mini”
“The iPhone Mini (or iPhone Nano, or whatever) could have significantly less storage than a typical iPhone. Most likely 8 gigabytes of storage – the same as the lowest end iPhones right now. Apple won’t prevent users from storing their own content, because that would be crazy. But since it has a small amount of memory, Apple will likely push the ability to stream media via MobileMe as well.”
A5 Processor to power the iPhone5
iPhone 5 will house the A5 as the main processor, which technically is the same chip that currently powers the iPad 2. The A5 contains a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 CPU with NEON SIMD accelerator and a dual core PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU, which means that the iPhone5 can do twice the work at once. The processor speed will be somewhere between 1.2 to 1.5 GHz, with probably a 1GB RAM.The processor upgrade is done not just to increase the processing speed of the phone, but also to compete with the newly launched Samsung Galaxy S II.
The A5 chip might effectively increase the power use, however, it is said that the chip has “got a dynamic power management”, which can lower the [speed] depending on the workload, and thus efficiently make use of the power.
iPhone 5 to Sport a Better Camera
The iPhone 4 sports a 5 megapixel camera, so I’m expecting that the iPhone 5 will have a rear-facing 8MP dual-LED flash camera. However, this isn’t really “awesome”, since most of the high-end Android smartphones come with an 8MP camera. Along with that, the iPhone 5 is expected to have a front-facing camera for video chatting.Another interesting feature is that the iPhone 5 will be capable of taking pictures in Panorama. It will work similarly to the ’360 Panorama’ application in the App Store. It will let you take pictures in a sequence as you move the camera from one side to another, which in the end will effortlessly stitch the images together to create a panorama.
Additionally, if Apple really wants to keep up with the competition to Android, then it might consider improving upon the video resolution to a full 1080p HD recording. Currently iPhone 4 has a 720p video capture at 30 frames per second.
Display and Resolution
There hasn’t been a better screen resolution since the release of the iPhone 4. Currently the iPhone 4 has a 3.5 inches screen size, and sources indicate that Apple might stay locked with the current size. But a few other sources say that Apple is planning to increase the screen size to 4-inch with higher screen resolution. I feel that Apple could compromise at 3.7-inch or 3.75-inch.Image credits:
Other iPhone5 Features
- Camera
- HD Video Recording
- FaceTime
- Messages
- Reminders
- Phone
- Mail
- Safari
- Music
- Videos
- Photos
- App Store
- iTunes
- Maps + Compass
- Game Center
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Find My
iPhone - More
Built-in Apps
With 8 megapixels and all-new optics, this just might be the best camera ever on a mobile phone. It just might be the only camera you’ll ever need. And if you think that’s amazing, wait until you see your photos.
Mega megapixels.
The iPhone 4S camera gives you 8 megapixels — that’s 60 percent more pixels than the camera on iPhone 4. They’re engineered with a higher, full-well capacity to collect even more light. With more megapixels and more light, you’ll see a dramatic difference in the resolution and details of your images. So your photos look stunning everywhere you show them off — on your iPhone, your computer, or your HDTV. And they’re rendered pixel for pixel in prints as large as 8x10.All-new optics make all
the difference.
Great photography isn’t just about megapixels — it’s about light, too. The all-new, advanced optics in this camera work together to make sure whatever light you have gives you the best image possible. The custom lens uses five precision elements to shape incoming light, which makes the entire image sharper. The larger f/2.4 aperture lets in more light, so photos look brighter and better. And the advanced hybrid infrared filter keeps out harmful IR light, so you’ll see more accurate and uniform colors.Turn down the lights.
Or turn them way up.
Pull out your iPhone in moonlight, candlelight, or under little white lights. Or shoot in bright light. Like at the beach. iPhone captures low-light and lots-of-light moods beautifully. So darks aren’t too dark and lights aren’t too light. Even action shots are less blurry. The next-generation backside illumination sensor is engineered with increased sensitivity and a shorter exposure time to achieve the same scene brightness — colors are less saturated and you’ll see more details. And the LED flash automatically kicks in when it’s needed (but you can always turn it off).A5 chip and iOS 5.
The power behind your photos.
The A5 chip is designed with an image signal processor that’s just as good as the ones found in DSLR cameras. It’s how you can tap to focus and control exposure. And it’s the power behind zero shutter lag. The image signal processor makes the iPhone 4S camera faster, so you’ll catch all the action as it happens. The camera also uses advanced algorithms in iOS 5 for even more color accuracy, better white balance, and greater dynamic range. When you see your photos, you’ll see exactly what that means.This camera loves a face.
With new face detection, this camera is smart enough to know whether you’re taking a portrait or a group shot. It focuses on the most prominent face in the frame and balances exposure across up to 10 faces. So you’ll definitely catch smiles. And maybe even a smirk or two.Capture the moment in
a split second.
Think about all those fun, fleeting moments you wish you’d caught on film. Now you can open the Camera app right from the Lock screen. So when things happen fast, you’ll capture them fast. Compose a quick shot with grid lines and pinch-to-zoom gestures. Focus with a tap. Then press the volume-up button to take a photo. And suddenly, everything is a photo op.Edit photos right on iPhone.
It’s not just an amazing camera. It’s an on-the-fly editing studio. Crop, rotate, enhance, and remove red-eye right on iPhone — without the help of photo editing software on a computer. Then organize your shots into albums, so you know where your favorites are when you want to show them off.HDR. The best everything.
All in one shot.
Tap HDR and take a photo. iPhone 4S captures three photos from that one shot, each with a different exposure level. Then it layers the shots together to create a single photo that combines the best parts of each shot. The wide range of light is more accurate in an HDR photo. And iPhone saves both the original and the HDR photo in your Camera Roll. You can clearly see the difference.Photo Stream.
And other ways to share.
With Photo Stream in iCloud, new photos you take are automatically sent to all your devices, so you can show them off on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or PC.1 Post them to the web the second you take them, and they’ll be the envy of your Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter world. Share them on your HDTV with AirPlay.2 Or send your photos through iMessage or MMS. Or go old-school and send them in an email.- Camera
- HD Video Recording
- FaceTime
- Messages
- Reminders
- Phone
- Mail
- Safari
- Music
- Videos
- Photos
- App Store
- iTunes
- Maps + Compass
- Game Center
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Find My
iPhone - More
Built-in Apps
With 8 megapixels and all-new optics, this just might be the best camera ever on a mobile phone. It just might be the only camera you’ll ever need. And if you think that’s amazing, wait until you see your photos.
Mega megapixels.
The iPhone 4S camera gives you 8 megapixels — that’s 60 percent more pixels than the camera on iPhone 4. They’re engineered with a higher, full-well capacity to collect even more light. With more megapixels and more light, you’ll see a dramatic difference in the resolution and details of your images. So your photos look stunning everywhere you show them off — on your iPhone, your computer, or your HDTV. And they’re rendered pixel for pixel in prints as large as 8x10.All-new optics make all
the difference.
Great photography isn’t just about megapixels — it’s about light, too. The all-new, advanced optics in this camera work together to make sure whatever light you have gives you the best image possible. The custom lens uses five precision elements to shape incoming light, which makes the entire image sharper. The larger f/2.4 aperture lets in more light, so photos look brighter and better. And the advanced hybrid infrared filter keeps out harmful IR light, so you’ll see more accurate and uniform colors.Turn down the lights.
Or turn them way up.
Pull out your iPhone in moonlight, candlelight, or under little white lights. Or shoot in bright light. Like at the beach. iPhone captures low-light and lots-of-light moods beautifully. So darks aren’t too dark and lights aren’t too light. Even action shots are less blurry. The next-generation backside illumination sensor is engineered with increased sensitivity and a shorter exposure time to achieve the same scene brightness — colors are less saturated and you’ll see more details. And the LED flash automatically kicks in when it’s needed (but you can always turn it off).A5 chip and iOS 5.
The power behind your photos.
The A5 chip is designed with an image signal processor that’s just as good as the ones found in DSLR cameras. It’s how you can tap to focus and control exposure. And it’s the power behind zero shutter lag. The image signal processor makes the iPhone 4S camera faster, so you’ll catch all the action as it happens. The camera also uses advanced algorithms in iOS 5 for even more color accuracy, better white balance, and greater dynamic range. When you see your photos, you’ll see exactly what that means.This camera loves a face.
With new face detection, this camera is smart enough to know whether you’re taking a portrait or a group shot. It focuses on the most prominent face in the frame and balances exposure across up to 10 faces. So you’ll definitely catch smiles. And maybe even a smirk or two.Capture the moment in
a split second.
Think about all those fun, fleeting moments you wish you’d caught on film. Now you can open the Camera app right from the Lock screen. So when things happen fast, you’ll capture them fast. Compose a quick shot with grid lines and pinch-to-zoom gestures. Focus with a tap. Then press the volume-up button to take a photo. And suddenly, everything is a photo op.Edit photos right on iPhone.
It’s not just an amazing camera. It’s an on-the-fly editing studio. Crop, rotate, enhance, and remove red-eye right on iPhone — without the help of photo editing software on a computer. Then organize your shots into albums, so you know where your favorites are when you want to show them off.HDR. The best everything.
All in one shot.
Tap HDR and take a photo. iPhone 4S captures three photos from that one shot, each with a different exposure level. Then it layers the shots together to create a single photo that combines the best parts of each shot. The wide range of light is more accurate in an HDR photo. And iPhone saves both the original and the HDR photo in your Camera Roll. You can clearly see the difference.Photo Stream.
And other ways to share.
With Photo Stream in iCloud, new photos you take are automatically sent to all your devices, so you can show them off on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or PC.1 Post them to the web the second you take them, and they’ll be the envy of your Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter world. Share them on your HDTV with AirPlay.2 Or send your photos through iMessage or MMS. Or go old-school and send them in an email.
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